Eye Care Associates Of New Hampton has added new medical technology again!  It’s called OCTA, which stands for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.  At the present time it is only available at five other locations in Iowa.

It will be especially beneficial for diabetic, macular degeneration and glaucoma patients because it allows us to diagnose retinal blood flow problems before they affect vision.

In the past, this information was acquired by a procedure called fluorescein angiography.  It was performed by injecting dye into the blood stream and then photographing it as it flowed through the retinal vessels.  This procedure was time consuming, expensive and uncomfortable.

OCTA is noninvasive and painless!  Images take only 30 seconds to acquire once a patient is placed into the instrument.  This data is available to our doctors within minutes.

If you have glaucoma or are diabetic, OCTA will help you determine your risk for vision loss while there is still time to do something about it.

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